Deadline Your Success

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 ·

If you want to get more done in your crazy-busy life, you have to set deadlines and stick to them. Setting a deadline may seem a bit scary at first, but I assure you they'll push and pull you toward success without letting you give up on yourself.

Deadlines are a part of my everyday life. From my experiences, here are three reasons to create deadlines for your big projects:

1. Deadlines create pressure

When you set a time limit on a project there is a sense of urgency that rushes over you. Half of your brain is asking, "Can I finish this on time?" And the other half of your brain is saying, "let's rock and roll...this is going to be fun!"

This brain battle, tug-of-war is called pressure. When you feel it, you have two choices. One, you can run the other way and quit. Or, two, you can face the pressure and let it push you faster than you ever thought possible.

Ever open a champagne bottle? Why do you think the cork explodes and flies across the room? It's because of the tremendous pressure behind the cork. The cork doesn't fight it. It just lets go and enjoys the ride.

So, set your deadline, get ready to work, and enjoy the fastest ride of your life!

2. Deadlines help you clarify your desired outcome

You should always start a project with a desired outcome. Without one, you won't get anywhere. Then, you should make the outcome a burning desire. After you've reached this point, it's time to set a time limit...a time you'll be finished with the project.

Now, the beauty of your deadline is: clarity of your outcome. You see, when you first figure out your outcome you go for it have lofty dreams (as well you should). But when you set a deadline, you have to go back to your original outcome and rethink what you really want. In other words, you have to become even clearer of your outcome because you only have so much time to get it done.

We all long for perfection. But that's impossible. And it certainly isn't profitable. That's why after you set your deadline you have to reevaluate your outcome and make the proper changes to make it happen on time.

This clarity will not only help you accomplish your project with more precision, it will help you get your project done in lightning-like speed.

Get clear, set your time limit, get even clearer, and succeed!

3. Deadlines allow you to reverse-engineer and plan your work

When you first decide what kind of project you want to accomplish, you lay out a plan of action that may seem logical at first. However, once you set a deadline, this action plan becomes obsolete and you're now able to create a better plan.

This is possible because deadlines allow you to reverse-engineer your plans. They allow you to start at the end of the project and work backwards to the starting point.

This simple, yet powerful method of completing projects will allow you to create a master plan that's sure to get your project done in no time flat (no pun intended).

As you can see, deadlines are muy importante to completing your big projects on, early! Don't be scared. Set your deadlines and succeed!

Search Engine Secrecy.



The search engines try to be good at keeping their methods of ranking websites top-secret. You never quite know exactly why such-and-so company wound up in the #1 slot and your company is way down on page 3. You wonder if it's because the search engines like it better. Or because it knows the secret handshake.

So, you start doing research?and there's a lot of conflicting information out there:

Maybe Google will rank you higher if your site doesn't have Flash. But then you hear that it might be able to read your Flash presentation text after all.

Or, the search engines might favor you if your site's URL has keywords in it. But those keywords might have to be separated by dashes. Or underscores might work...

You've heard that filling your site with keywords is the only way to get noticed by the search engines. But what if you want to have a very simple, clean, neat-looking site with few words? Isn't there a way you can hide all that icky-looking SEO stuff somewhere in the code of your pages? Shouldn't your web designer be able to help out?

And, what's this about links? Do you need to have a big links page with the addresses of every site you've ever heard of? Will that help?

Sometimes, your site can rise or fall in the rankings without you making any changes at all. One week, you're #4, then the next you're at #32, and then you rocket back up to #11. How does that even happen if you have been on vacation the whole time and haven't touched your site? The more research you do, the more hopeless the entire ordeal seems. Why bother trying to figure out the mysteries of the search engines? It certainly seems easier to just give up on SEO entirely and to do something else with your time.

Are they just out to confuse you?

Why would the search engines go to all this trouble to keep their logic and qualifiers so secret? Why not just publish their requirements and make it easy for you, the overtaxed small business owner, to get exactly what you want?

That would make it too easy for everyone?not just you.

The answer is that if the search engines published their requirements, it would be almost too easy for anyone to get the results they wanted. And this means not only would it be easier for you?the small business owner?to get attention, but it would also be easier for big corporations to lock your site out of the top 10 results and for sleazy old site spammers to pull the search engines' attention away from your awesome site and over to their crummy ones.

In a way, it would probably make getting into the top 10 even more difficult for you?because it would increase the level of knowledge your competition has about search engine processes as well.

They want to get to know you, not have you tell them what they want to hear.

Also, the search engines want to hear what you've really got to say. If they told you exactly how to get into the top 10, straight from the horse's mouth, it would be like walking into a job interview where the interviewer has already given you answers to the questions they're planning to ask, and all you have to do to get the job is to read the answers. Now, while that might make the interview easier and less stressful, the interviewer isn't going to get a picture of your capabilities, personality, or really anything about you. They're going to get the answers they want to hear, but when you come in to work, they may be sorely disappointed by your performance.

The search engines would have a similar problem if they gave everyone the answer to how to get well-ranked. The search engines' goal is to give people who are looking for a particular resource or an answer to a question?searchers?the best and most impartial answers they possibly can.

If they laid out a simple process for getting well-ranked, they'd have everyone telling them what they want to hear, and then they'd have a harder job of sorting the information they get into the type of referrals and information that searchers want. They'd have to develop more hurdles and filters just to deliver results that make sense for their users.

They're not just being mean.

The search engines aren't trying to confuse you or to keep you out of a secret club. They're not trying to make your life hard. They're just trying to keep their results fair and to give high-quality answers to the searchers using their services.

If you want them to rank you well, keep that in mind. Make sure that your site is a good resource for people who are looking for the types of products and services you provide. Add information to your site as well as promotional copy and images, so that searchers can get the answers they're looking for. The search engines appreciate that.

Make your site a resource instead of just a sales force, and along the way, you'll make the search engines happy to recommend you to information seekers.

Google AdSense


AdSense is an ad serving program run by Google. Website owners can enroll in this program to enable text, image and, more recently, video advertisements on their sites. These ads are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-thousand-impressions basis. Google is also currently beta-testing a cost-per-action based service.

Google utilizes its search technology to serve ads based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors. Those wanting to advertise with Google's targeted ad system may sign up through AdWords. AdSense has become a popular method of placing advertising on a website because the ads are less intrusive than most banners, and the content of the ads is often relevant to the website.

It currently uses JavaScript code to incorporate the advertisements into a participating site. If it is included on a site which has not yet been crawled by the Mediabot, it will temporarily display advertisements for charitable causes known as public service announcements (PSAs). (Note that the Mediabot is a separate crawler from the Googlebot that maintains Google's search index.)

Many sites use AdSense to monetize their content and some webmasters work hard to maximize their own AdSense income. They do this in three ways:

1. They use a wide range of traffic generating techniques including but not limited to online advertising.
2. They build valuable content on their sites; content which attracts AdSense ads and which pay out the most when they get clicked.
3. They use copy on their websites that encourage clicks on ads. Note that Google prohibits people from using phrases like "Click on my AdSense ads" to increase click rates. Phrases accepted are "Sponsored Links" and "Advertisements". The source of all AdSense income is the AdWords program which in turn has a complex pricing model based on a Vickrey second price auction, in that it commands an advertiser to submit a sealed bid (not observable by competitors). Additionally, for any given click received, advertisers only pay one bid increment above the second-highest bid.

AdSense for feeds

In May 2005, Google unveiled AdSense for feeds, a version of AdSense that runs on RSS and Atom feeds that have more than 100 active subscribers. According to the Blog, "advertisers have their ads placed in the most appropriate feed articles; publishers are paid for their original content; readers see relevant advertising — and in the long run, more quality feeds to choose from".

AdSense for feeds works by inserting images into a feed. When the image is displayed by the reader/browser, Google writes the ad content into the image that it returns. The ad content is chosen based on the content of the feed surrounding the image. When the user clicks the image, he or she is redirected to the advertiser's site in the same way as regular AdSense ads.
AdSense for search

A companion to the regular AdSense program, AdSense for search lets website owners place Google search boxes on their pages. When a user searches the web or the site with the search box, Google shares any ad revenue it makes from those searches with the site owner. However, only if the ads on the page are clicked, the publisher is paid. Adsense does not pay publishers for mere searches.
How AdSense works

Each time a visitor visits a page with an AdSense tag, a piece of JavaScript writes an iframe tag, whose src attribute includes the URL of the page. Google's servers
use a cache of the page for the URL or the keywords in the URL itself to determine a set of high-value keywords. (Some of the details are described in the AdSense patent.) If keywords have been cached already, ads are served for those keywords based on the AdWords bidding system.

The storage requirements of an AdSense system are stunningly modest. If each URL has just 8 "high-value" keywords, each represented by a single 32-bit number, then the keywords for each URL could be represented with just 32 bytes. The high value keywords of 4 billion URLs could be stored in 128GB, which would cost only $100 (circa 2006). 400 billion URLs or 100 drives (for a redundancy of 100) would require only $10,000 in storage costs.

AdSense serves a very large number of pages each day. If each day around 1B people saw 10 AdSense impressions (or 100M people saw 100 AdSense impressions), then AdSense would serve around 10B requests/day, or 115,741 requests/sec. If one machine can serve 20 reqs/second (seek times to read a random 4096-byte location on a drive allow for bursts of well over 100 reqs/second), then Google would require 5,787 servers to serve these 10B reqs/day. If each of these servers were hosted at a cost of $100/month, then it would cost $579K/month to run the adservers needed.

Suppose these 10B impressions/day generated clicks at a clickthrough rate of .3% and an average CPC of $.10. Then each day Google would receive 30M clicks/day (347 clicks/sec), generating $3M/day ($34.77/sec), or 900M clicks/month, generating $90M/month.

Google AdSense

Make Money Online.


There are actually many different ways to make money online. Some of them are obviously more lucrative than others, however. Also, there are many scams for supposedly making money online that don't really work, and you end up losing money.As a general rule, if the online money making opportunity asks for money, it is probably not a good thing. Legitimate ways to make money online will not ask you for money to get the job. The only exception to this is for home businesses. Many home businesses require an upfront investment from you. If you decide that a home business is the best way to go for making money online, then you will probably have to spend some money to get started. However, many people have been very successful with home businesses.

One way that people are making money online is by having several different income streams. This means that you do a bunch of things online that make a little bit of money, which turns out to be a reasonable amount of money when you add them all up. For instance, some people fill out surveys, do some writing, read emails, sell things on Ebay or even do affiliate marketing. These are all ways to have multiple streams of income making money online.

There are actual jobs available online. However, there is a lot of competition for them. Telecommuting from home is one of the best ways for making money online. You need to have an excellent resume and to do a lot of research to find the companies that are hiring people with your skills.

As with any way to make money, the best way of making money online is to follow your passions. First find something you love to do, then find a way to use it for making money online.

You also need to consider your time commitment. Find a way to make money online that won't take up all of your spare time if you are already working a full time job.

Once you have determined how you plan to make money online, spend the time you need. Many people start an online business but lose interest and quit. Find a business that you love so you want to stay with it. Finding a way to do what you love is the best way to make money online.
About The Author

Jon Viney – Webmaster: Income for Life - Work at Home Work 2-4 hrs daily Earn $50-$75 Hr

Make Money Online - Affiliate Programs, HYIPs, Small Business

Data Entry Scams.


Are Work from home data entry programs Scams? This is the question asked by thousands of people who are looking to join data entry work at home. The problem arises because
ordinary internet users fail to distinguish between traditional data entry and online pay per click marketing data entry programs. Though most of the online data entry programs explicitly tell on their sale pages that the data entry opportunity is about ad word compaigns.

Work from home data entry programs may not make you a million dollars in a week but you can certainly work your way up to making a comfortable living and perhaps even more than that if you play your cards right. You will be amazed by the scope of this simple, genuine and result-oriented opportunity. The subscription cost for these data entry at home programs is just $49 which is not a big deal, keeping in mind the scope they offer.

Data entry Impartial Review has put this question before qualified Consumer Advisors to offer their expert advice. The analysis provided by impartial reviews about home based data entry programs is based on opinion of Consumer Advisors and more than 10,000 consumers.

Traditional Data Entry VS Online Pay Per Click Data Entry Campaigns

Traditional data entry from home involves secreterial work which can be medical transcription or simple data entry for offshore companies. These jobs can pay anything from $10 to $15 per hour. People normally search for online jobs which are related to traditional data entry from home. Job Search engine is very good website to find these kind of jobs.

On the other hand, data entry which involves preparing PPC campaigns is altogether a differnt role. This fast emerging opportunity offers unlimited potential to earn huge commissions. These data entry from home programs provide step by step guidance to their subscribers to set up their online data entry campaigns. Affiliate programs pay upto 75% per sale to their members. There is huge margin of profit and thousands of companies to choose from. Most of these data entry at home programs teach about Google adwords and yahoo marketing.

Best Data Entry programs include Data Entry Bank and Home Data Typers. They are both top ranked on Click Bank the online market place. They are by far better than other programs available and offer real value for money.

Call any where.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 ·

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Have free mintues.


>I have added screen shots for convenience of our blog readers.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
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