Have free mintues.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 ·

>I have added screen shots for convenience of our blog readers.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
1. Visit Mobivox, Click on sign up on left bottom of page.
2. Enter your details (Name, email address, password etc ). Enter the number from which you want to call India in the your phone option. Click next.
3.Enter your friend details. You may enter any random details here. This is just a formality. Click next.

4.Leave further procedure, and visit main page of Mobivox.
5.Login with your details.
6.Click on Web Call option which wil be on the right hand side of the page.
7.Enter the number you want to call.
8.Click call now, you are done.

IF u have two or three phone u can try .So tht u can talk upto 15mins for free.

enjoy calling

Tell ur friends to so tht they can also use tht.

thnx u.

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